In the news: Rice, Coca-Cola, and Mushrooms

Tehcnoloy, Nature, and AI
by OpenAI

Welcome to today's "In the News" where we discover the latest developments in AI and its impact on various industries.


Easyrice Uses Artificial Intelligence for Food Revolution Technology - Bangkok Post, 19 August 2023

According to an article on the Bangkok Post website, Easyrice Digital Technology Co Ltd, a deep tech startup specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture, aims to revolutionize the Thai rice industry by offering AI-based solutions to make rice quality inspection and related data management systems easier, faster, and more efficient. The company deploys AI to improve the inspection process, aiming to raise the standard of inspections. The AI inspection takes only 3-5 minutes per 25 grams of rice, compared with 15-20 minutes for the traditional method. The new method helps save cost and time by up to 30% and covers 25 Thai rice standards. The company also launched an AI solution for inspection of paddy varieties, which it is marketing to farmers and cooperatives selling to rice millers. This service has a seeds database of up to 84 varieties. The company’s chief executive and co-founder, Phuvin Kongsawat, said that the company is ready to expand AI solutions to cover other foods such as barley, oats, and coffee.


Coca-Cola Embraces Controversial AI Image Generator with New “Y3000” Flavor - Benji Edwards, 12 September 2023, Ars Technica

According to an article on the Ars Technica website, Coca-Cola has released a new limited-edition beverage called Coca-Cola Y3000 Zero Sugar, which was reportedly co-created with artificial intelligence. The company used Stable Diffusion, a controversial image synthesis model, to generate AI-based imagery for the product's marketing campaign. The technology scrapes hundreds of millions of copyrighted works found on the internet without copyright-holder permission and is currently the subject of litigation related to copyright infringement. The company's senior director of global strategy, Oana Vlad, said that the company hopes that Coca-Cola will still be as relevant and refreshing in the year 3000 as it is today. The company developed a mystery flavor for the product and wrapped it in an AI-themed marketing package and mobile web-based app that draws upon both human designers and Stable Diffusion. The app allows users to modify their photos using Stable Diffusion-powered Coca-Cola creations.


Mushroom Pickers Urged to Avoid Foraging Books on Amazon That Appear to Be Written by AI - Dan Milmo, The Guardian, 1 September 2023

According to an article on The Guardian website, amateur mushroom pickers are being advised to avoid foraging books sold on Amazon that appear to have been written by artificial intelligence chatbots. These books are being passed off as having been written by humans, with travel books among the popular categories for fake work., a US firm that detects AI content, examined four samples from the books and found that every sample had a rating of 100% on its AI detection score, indicating that the books were likely written by a chatbot such as ChatGPT. The samples contained serious flaws, such as referring to "smell and taste" as an identifying feature, which experts say should not be the case. Some wild mushrooms, like the highly poisonous death cap, can be mistaken for edible varieties and are toxic. Foraging books from reputable sources are recommended instead.


Me:  Hey ChatGPT, what advice can you give to readers about this last article on books written by AI?

ChatGPT:  Certainly, here are some pieces of advice that readers can take away from the article on books written by AI:

  1. Check the Source: Always check the credibility of the source when purchasing books or any content online. Look for reputable publishers or authors.
  2. Be Cautious with User-Generated Content: Exercise caution when dealing with user-generated content platforms like Amazon, where anyone can publish a book. Seek reviews and ratings to gauge the authenticity of the content.
  3. Verify Content: If you're uncertain about the quality or authenticity of a book, consider looking for reviews and ratings from other readers. Genuine reviews often highlight the strengths and weaknesses of a book.
  4. Consult Experts: When dealing with potentially dangerous subjects like foraging for wild mushrooms, consult experts or authoritative sources for guidance. It's essential to prioritize safety over convenience.
  5. Use AI Detection Tools: As mentioned in the article, consider using AI detection tools like to identify AI-generated content. These tools can help you make informed decisions about the content's authenticity.
  6. Educate Yourself: If you're passionate about a specific subject, such as mushroom foraging, take the time to educate yourself from reputable sources. Understanding the subject matter can help you distinguish credible content from fake or AI-generated materials.
  7. Trust Your Instincts: If something seems too good to be true or appears questionable, trust your instincts. It's better to be cautious than to risk your safety or waste your time on unreliable information.
By following these guidelines, readers can navigate the increasingly complex landscape of online content and make informed choices when it comes to selecting books or resources, especially in critical areas like foraging for wild mushrooms, where safety is paramount.

Me:  Any other insights or reaction to the articles for today?

ChatGPT:  Here are some additional insights and reactions to the articles for today:

Easyrice's AI Revolution: It's fascinating to see how AI is being applied to agriculture, specifically in the rice industry. The use of AI to improve rice quality inspection not only saves time and cost but also ensures that consumers receive better-quality products. This innovation could have far-reaching effects on food quality and safety in various agricultural sectors.

Coca-Cola's AI-Generated Marketing: The use of AI-generated imagery in Coca-Cola's marketing campaign is a testament to the growing influence of AI in creative industries. However, the controversy surrounding the use of copyrighted materials without permission highlights the ethical challenges AI can pose. This incident raises important questions about copyright and AI-generated content that require careful consideration.

AI-Generated Foraging Books: The revelation that AI-generated books are being passed off as human-authored works on Amazon is concerning. It underscores the importance of verifying the authenticity of content, especially when it involves potentially dangerous activities like foraging for wild mushrooms. Readers must exercise caution and rely on credible sources to ensure their safety.

In summary, these articles shed light on the diverse ways AI is impacting different industries, from agriculture to marketing, while also highlighting the ethical and safety implications associated with AI-generated content. It's crucial for consumers to stay informed, exercise discernment, and consider the broader implications of AI in various aspects of life.

Me:  Any predictions for the future based on these three articles?

ChatGPT:  Based on the information presented in these three articles, several predictions for the future can be made:
  1. AI Revolution in Agriculture: The Easyrice example showcases the potential for AI to revolutionize various aspects of agriculture. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect more AI-driven solutions to emerge in the agricultural sector, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing food quality. This could lead to increased adoption of AI technologies in farming practices worldwide.
  2. Ethical Concerns in AI-Generated Content: The controversy surrounding Coca-Cola's use of AI-generated imagery highlights the need for stricter regulations and ethical guidelines regarding AI-generated content. We may see increased scrutiny and legal actions against companies that use AI to create content without proper permissions, potentially leading to more responsible AI usage in marketing and advertising.
  3. AI Detection Tools: The emergence of firms like that specialize in detecting AI-generated content suggests a growing need for tools and services to identify AI-created materials. In the future, we can expect advancements in AI detection technology, making it easier for consumers to differentiate between human and AI-generated content, especially in online marketplaces.
  4. Consumer Awareness: The article about AI-generated foraging books serves as a warning about the potential dangers of relying on AI-generated content for critical activities. This could lead to increased consumer awareness regarding the need to verify the authenticity of information and sources. Consumers may become more cautious when using AI-generated content, particularly in areas where safety is a concern.
  5. AI in Creative Industries: Despite the controversy, Coca-Cola's use of AI-generated content demonstrates the growing role of AI in creative industries like marketing and design. We can expect continued exploration of AI's creative capabilities, leading to more AI-assisted content creation and innovative marketing strategies.
  6. AI's Impact on Food Safety: While not directly mentioned in these articles, AI's role in food safety and quality control is likely to expand. AI-powered inspection and monitoring systems can help identify contaminants and ensure food products meet safety standards. This could lead to safer and higher-quality food products in the market.
In conclusion, these articles provide insights into the growing influence of AI in various industries and highlight the need for ethical considerations and safeguards. As AI technologies continue to evolve, they are likely to shape the future of agriculture, content creation, and consumer awareness in profound ways.
