Everyone's a Critic -- Including AI

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Everyone's a Critic – Including AI: Analyzing Feedback on a Popular Recipe

What happens when Artificial Intelligence takes on the role of "Food Critic" ???  Here's a simple test!  First, we have ChatGPT take on a recipie evaluation, and then we take a look at user comments.

As a sample, we took a post from Facebook made by local Kansas city Chef Jasper Mirabile.  He was posting about his "Emilia Romagna Cooking Class" over the weekend and included a recipe for Tortellini en Brodo he guaranteed that you would enjoy.

Original Facebook Post:

Recipe Evaluation

This Tortellini en Brodo recipe seems to offer a comforting and flavorful Italian-inspired soup. Here's a breakdown:


  • Base Ingredients: It starts with a classic base of minced celery, onion, and carrots sautéed in butter. This forms the aromatic foundation for the soup, providing depth and flavor.
  • Chicken: The use of a rotisserie chicken is a convenient choice for adding both flavor and protein to the soup.
  • Broth: The combination of chicken broth and water forms the liquid base. Chicken broth enhances the chicken flavor, while water helps maintain the right consistency.
  • Tortellini: Tortellini is a great choice for adding heartiness and texture to the soup.
  • Spinach: Chopped spinach contributes a pop of color and added nutrition.
  • Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese Rind: The use of cheese rind is a brilliant way to infuse the soup with a rich, cheesy flavor.


The recipe's steps are straightforward and well-organized, making it accessible for home cooks.  Cooking the tortellini separately and adding them to the soup just before serving ensures they remain al dente and don't become mushy.

Nutritional Analysis

This soup is likely to be rich in protein from the rotisserie chicken.  The vegetables like celery, onion, carrots, and spinach add vitamins and fiber.  Cheese rind contributes a unique flavor, but it's worth noting that it's not a primary source of nutrition.  The use of butter and cheese should be considered for those concerned about saturated fats.

Overall, it's a balanced soup with a mix of protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates from the tortellini.


This recipe appears to yield a flavorful and hearty soup, perfect for colder days or when you're craving comfort food.  The cheese rind and rotisserie chicken should impart a rich flavor to the broth.  The combination of vegetables, tortellini, and chicken makes it a wholesome one-pot meal.  The addition of grated cheese when serving will enhance the cheese flavor.

When comparing this recipe to similar ones, it's important to note that Tortellini en Brodo is a classic Italian soup with regional variations. Some recipes might include different herbs or spices, but the fundamental elements usually remain consistent.

Reaction from the community

When local Kansas city Chef Jasper Mirabile posted a recipe for "Tortellini en Brodo," the online cooking community couldn't resist chiming in. The post garnered 31 "thumbs up," 14 "hearts," and 1 "Amazement" reaction from readers, demonstrating widespread approval. But it was the comments section where things got interesting.

One member succinctly expressed their delight with a simple "Yummy!!" comment. It seems that the recipe had an immediate appeal that required no further elaboration.

Recipe Lovers Unite
Another commenter eagerly encouraged the chef to continue sharing recipes with a heartfelt, "I love when you post recipes! Keep them coming!" This sentiment echoes the sentiment of many who appreciate and anticipate culinary inspiration.

Class Appreciation
While not directly related to the recipe, one participant took a moment to appreciate the cooking class with a concise "Great class. TY" (Thank You). Such comments remind us of the value of culinary education.

Future Cooks
"I’m going to enjoy making this!!" - This comment represents a common theme among the responses: the desire to try the recipe. It's evident that this dish has piqued the interest of many home cooks.

Visual Appeal
"Looks amazing!!" - The visual presentation of a dish often plays a significant role in culinary assessments. This comment underscores the importance of aesthetics in food appreciation.

Nostalgic Connection
One comment took us on a journey through family traditions, highlighting how this recipe is part of their heritage. It's a touching reminder of how food can connect us to our roots and create lasting memories.

A Simple Emoji Says It All
Sometimes, a single emoji – in this case, a hungry face "😋" – conveys everything that needs to be said. It's a testament to the dish's visual appeal.

Seasonal Delight
"Oh my...looks like the perfect cold weather soup for this fall!" - Recognizing the seasonal suitability of a recipe can influence its appeal. Fall is often associated with heartier, comforting dishes like this one.

Future Plans
"Yum!! I’m saving this and making it this fall!!" - A comment that not only expresses enthusiasm but also reveals a plan to try the recipe in the near future.

A Delicious Observation
"That looks delicious 😋" - A straightforward compliment on the dish's delicious appearance. Sometimes, simplicity speaks volumes.

The comments on this recipe post exemplify the diversity of voices and sentiments within an online cooking community. From immediate cravings to future cooking plans, from nostalgic connections to appreciating the seasonal aspect, these comments show how a simple recipe can spark a rich tapestry of engagement. It's a reminder that in the world of cooking, everyone's a critic – including AI, which can analyze and appreciate the nuances of human culinary conversations.
